August 2024 Book Reading List

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August was a big month reading-wise. It’s almost as if I was trying to make of for all the prior light reading months.

After all, I read a whopping 30 books to my daughter. She’s just been bringing me a stack of books and insisting I read them all.

And while my son is reading to himself a lot, he still enjoys being read to. I read nine different books to him.

Finally, I was able to read and finish two books for myself.

Books I Read to My Children

Books I Read to My Son

Here are the nine books I read to my son:

Books I Read to My Daughter

Here are the thirty books I read to my daughter:

The Books I Read for Me

I read The Blue Zones Challenge: A 4-Week Plan for a Longer, Better Life by Dan Buettner.

The gist of the book was instead of directly changing your behavior, change them indirectly by changing your environment. The book was okay, but ultimately disappointing for two reasons:

One, I read it through Libby and ultimately my Kindle. It has “diary” entries to fill in, which don’t work in ebook form.

Two, in order to use the book effectively it wanted to you go online and take a survey, which requires email address. I’m reading the book because I explicitly do not want to reference anything outside the book. It’s okay if it gives source material or suggestions, but making it feel required was off-putting.

The important stuff can be found by watching the Netflix show Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. Hopefully there’s a better book out there if someone wants to get the same information but with text.

I also continued reading Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, this time Foundation and Empire.

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