First Week of Spring Quarter 2011
March 31, 2011
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Yep. Spring Break’s been over for about a week now. Don’t know if I’ll be able to post much. I might be able to post some projects that I’m working on in various classes. So what classes am I taking? Well, my schedule pretty much looks like this:
This is where I go to school. It’s local.
All classes are Tuesday/Thursday:
- Dynamics
- Technical Communication
- Visual Basic (Easy! It’s a GPA-booster. Hell, I’m making this post from here.)
- Social Implications of Computing (a computer ethics writing class)
- Software Engineering
That’s 18 credit hours of pure fun. Oh, I found some cheap textbooks through Google Product search. Paid less than half for my books :)
On top of these classes, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have both my internship (which pays decently) and I teach a computer lab at school. Yep, I’ll be busy. :)
Until next time
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