Fixing the OSMWidget in Django Admin
January 29, 2025
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I was setting up an admin for some Django models that had a PointField the other day, and I ran into an issue that took a little digging to figure out.
Here’s how I initially set up the admin, setting the gis_widget_kwargs
like the OSMWidget documentation says:
class AddressModelAdmin(GISModelAdmin):
gis_widget_kwargs = {
"default_lon": -85.3148324,
"default_lat": 40.3374484,
"default_zoom": 20,
But when I loaded the admin page for a given object of the model, I got the following error:
TypeError: OSMWidget.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'default_lon'
Diggin into the source code for OSMWidget I noticed that the __init__
function takes a keyword argument attrs
which itself is a dict (or something that getattr can be used):
class OSMWidget(OpenLayersWidget):
An OpenLayers/OpenStreetMap-based widget.
template_name = "gis/openlayers-osm.html"
default_lon = 5
default_lat = 47
default_zoom = 12
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
for key in ("default_lon", "default_lat", "default_zoom"):
self.attrs[key] = getattr(self, key)
if attrs:
So I had to modify my gis_widget_kwargs
to be a single-value dict with a value that itself is the dict I previously thought I had to use:
class AddressModelAdmin(GISModelAdmin):
gis_widget_kwargs = {
'attrs': {
"default_lon": -85.3148324,
"default_lat": 40.3374484,
"default_zoom": 20,
After this change, my admin page loaded correctly.
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