December 14, 2018
How to Solder (Sweat) Copper Pipe
December 12, 2018
My Robinhood Stock Picks for November 2018
December 7, 2018

This sixth monthly edition of “My Robinhood Stock Picks” will probably be the last for a while. With my recent purchase (and financing) of a minivan, as well as the fact I have a more tax-advantaged Individual 401k to put money in that I’ve nowhere near maxes out, I think my money has better use elsewhere.
November 2018 Book Reading List
December 5, 2018
Quick Life Update
December 3, 2018
It’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve posted anything. In fact, tomorrow marks two weeks since my last post. This is mostly because I’v been under the weather (idiom for being sick for my non-native English readers).