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November 2018 Book Reading List

December 5, 2018

November 2018 Book Reading List

November was a pretty busy month with working on the bathroom remodel, Thanksgiving, and being sick the last week. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to read any books for me.

Quick Life Update

December 3, 2018

It’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve posted anything. In fact, tomorrow marks two weeks since my last post. This is mostly because I’v been under the weather (idiom for being sick for my non-native English readers).

November 2018 Blog Statistics

November 20, 2018

November 2018 Blog Statistics

Slow and steady wins the race, right? While my blog stats have been consistently good, I haven’t had an exceptional month since August. But really, every month since August has been as good, it’s just there hasn’t been a huge change.

We've Got Hard Water

November 11, 2018

We've Got Hard Water

Recently we had a bit of an incident with our hot water heater… The tank began leaking. Thankfully it was still under warranty and we got another one for only the cost of labor. Afterward, we ran into another problem. Our dishes began having a cloudy white film on them, and after boiling water (say, for spaghetti) the pot would also have a line of the cloudy white film.