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July 2018 Blog Statistics

July 20, 2018

July 2018 Blog Statistics

It’s the 20th, so that means it’s time for me to show off the last month’s blog statistics. If you want to view the previous months’ statistic reports, click on one of the following links:

Let's Build a Diversified Stock Portfolio

July 11, 2018

Let's Build a Diversified Stock Portfolio

You may have heard that, if you’re investing in stocks, you need to have a diversified stock portfolio. But what does that even mean? It means to own a variety of multiple stocks.

June 2018 Book Reading List

July 2, 2018

June 2018 Book Reading List

Time is precious - once again, I only managed to fit in one book in my busy schedule for the month. Hopefully, come August, I’ll have more time, since the last session for the last class in my Master’s program is on July 25th. Of course, my son might be mobile by then - he’ll be four months on the 26th - so he will require more attention.