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Life Update

April 9, 2018

Life Update

If you’re a regular reader of this blog (as if I have regular readers), you’ll notice that my last post was over two weeks ago. That’s because I’ve been dealing with a brand new family member. Yep, my wife gave birth to our first-born son.

March 2018 Blog Statistics

March 20, 2018

March 2018 Blog Statistics

It’s hard to believe it’s Spring already. But since it’s the twentieth, it’s time for another blog statistic report. This is my third one, so feel free to check out the first two:

Amazon URL Anatomy Dissection

March 8, 2018

One of the most successful affiliate programs is the Amazon Associate program. This encourages websites not owned by Amazon to link to various parts of Amazon. However, if you’ve ever paid attention to your address bar while browsing Amazon, you’ll notice that the URL gets quite long and confusing. Since I couldn’t find any official documentation of Amazon’s URL anatomy, I decided to dissect it to see what I could find.

Master Bath Remodel: Demolition

February 28, 2018

Master Bath Remodel: Demolition

The month of March is going to be an intense one for me. In addition to my normal life of school and work, I’m helping my wife in her final few weeks of pregnancy and I intend to remodel the master bathroom.