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The 5 Books I Read in 2017

December 14, 2017

The 5 Books I Read in 2017

2017 has been a pretty good year. I only met three of my four goals - I didn’t graduate with my master’s, but that’s okay because I definitely will be in 2018. Another goal I had that I didn’t mention in the 2017 goal blog post is to read a more. I didn’t read nearly as much as I used to - I used to read several books a month. This year I only read five books, one of which I started several years ago, two I haven’t finished yet. Despite the low number, it’s been a definite improvement over past years.

Living off the Interest

November 29, 2017

Living off the Interest

A common topic of conversation is what people would do if they won the lottery. People often dream of winning it big any buying big houses, nice cars, and quitting their jobs. My brothers and I weren’t immune to this topic, however, we often would have another answer as to what to do with lottery winnings: put it in the bank and live off the interest.

Correlation: Does Order Matter?

November 27, 2017

Correlation: Does Order Matter?

One of the more interesting and important parts of studying two different sets of data is to see if they are correlated. It might make one wonder if the order of the data matters. In this blog post, I show with three different methods - by an empirical example, by looking at the correlation function, and visually - why the order doesn’t matter so long as each data point is matched to the same datapoint each time.