Make the United States Number One (Alphabetically)

Inspired by the Clickhole/Onion article “Embarrassing: The U.S. Is Ranked 182nd In The World Alphabetically” I decided to take action.
Writing What I Want
Inspired by the Clickhole/Onion article “Embarrassing: The U.S. Is Ranked 182nd In The World Alphabetically” I decided to take action.
I’ve run a few Facebook ads before, never spending more than a couple bucks and never with much success - either in terms of views, likes, or clicks. Inspired by this blog post on, I decided to expand my audience beyond the United States.
I’ve recently been studying time series analysis and was curious as to whether a time series is correlated with its future self (or past self, as the case may be). This thought came about when studying stock market prediction: the best predictor for the stock market would be a crystal ball that told you the future values.
I’ve been playing around with JavaFX (the desktop/windows application interface for Java) recently and was trying to find a list of the different “Simple...Property
” to use in TableColumn
’s setCellValueFactory()