February 21, 2017
Presenting the Puppy Snuggles Webpage
February 10, 2017
Back in November, I created a Twitter account and a Facebook page for a specific niche - puppies, or really, dogs in general. This week I created a website to go with those pages. Presenting: the Puppy Snuggles webpage!
Keeping My Electric Bill Low
February 3, 2017
Last October I posted about my electric bill over the year. In order to save money, I switched my supplier from DP&L to AEP via Ohio’s Apples-to-Apples website, lowering my costs from 7.3¢ to 4.59¢ per kilowatt.
Windows 10 Error - WiFi doesn't have a valid IP configuration
January 24, 2017
Last week my fiancée was having trouble connecting her laptop to her wireless internet. It connected to the router fine, but there was no internet and the network icon in the system tray had the message:
Four Things I'm Excited for in 2017
January 13, 2017