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Is Running a More Efficient Way to Travel Than Walking?

July 30, 2024

Is Running a More Efficient Way to Travel Than Walking?

Is running a more efficient way to travel than walking? Does running burn less calories per distance traveled than walking? If so, how fast burns the least calories per distance? And if walking is more efficient - what’s the most efficient walking speed.

Setting my Fitness Goals

October 25, 2021

Setting my Fitness Goals

Sometime back in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, I turned to my wife and asked her “what would you do if I said I wanted to start running?”

My Exercise Routine

May 11, 2021

For me, routine is everything. Every weekday morning, I get up with my son, get dressed, have him go potty & get dressed, and then make breakfast for the both of us. If for some reason I go off routine, I end up forgetting something.